HOPE SAM Follow up

Cotrimoxazole to promote healthy birth and growth

Link: The Combi Study

Current stunting trials focus predominantly on nutrition-specific interventions, particularly during the period of complementary feeding from 6-24 months of age. However, stunting begins much earlier in the life-course: interventions to promote growth therefore need to be started antenatally and should impact different pathways to conventional dietary approaches. This study will intervene earlier in the life cycle and target inflammatory pathways common to antenatal and postnatal growth failure.

This is a randomized clinical trial of cotrimoxazole delivered from the second trimester of pregnancy to the onset of labour, with a primary outcome of birth weight. Embedded laboratory studies will delineate the role of microbial and inflammatory exposures during pregnancy on birth outcomes (small-for-gestational age and preterm birth), including maternal periodontal disease, vaginal infections and enteropathy.

Study Location: Shurugwi distict.

Sample Size: 1000 pregnant women